Event Details

Create your own Art Journal.

  • Saturday, March 29, 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • ACAC 160 D Main Street, Ailsa Craig, ON., N0M 1A0
  • 10



The ACAC is pleased to welcome back Darion Lajoie as she shares with us, how to create your own custom, art journal.  

Art Journaling is a meditative practice that helps one to grow in their chosen genre.  Yet finding the perfect art journal is very difficult! Often an artist may wish to use a specific paper, colour of stock or size that is simply not available commercially. After investing in Darion's 4 hour class, you will be prepared to create whatever journal size, composition etc. that you choose. The art journals created during class will feature a gessoed cover; suitable for customization by painting.

For efficiency, Darion, requests students bring the following to class:

  • 1.     The students will need to bring 25 sheets of whatever type of paper they wish to have as pages for their art journal.  These could be water colour paper, heavier grade paper, parchment paper, regular printer paper, depending on what type of art they intend to use the book for.  Paper size needs to be exactly 28cm x 19cm  (11.5in x7.5in).  They might need to use a paper cutter to trim paper, as it may not come in exact size.  They need to bring it already cut to size on the day of class as there will not be time to cut it all in class and there will not be a paper cutter available.
  • 2.     A large-holed needle such as a tapestry or darning needle.
  • 3.     An awl if they have one (I will have extra awls and needles to lend for those who don’t have one.)
  • 4.     Paint and brushes (if we have time, we could paint the covers at the end of class.)        

The class fee is $45 for members and $55 for non members.*

There is a $10 materials fee payable directly to the teacher to cover the cover cost and labour.

We hope you will join us for this empowering class.

Instructor's BIo:

Darian Lajoie is an artist from London, Ontario with a very diverse background in artistic pursuits.  She works in natural fibres including wool, silk, cotton, and linen in both wet and needle felted sculptures, basketry, and framed pieces.  She also does calligraphy and illumination, paper-making, and hand-made books. She exibits in several galleries across Ontario and has sold to collectors across Canada and the U.S.  She takes her inspiration from historical artifacts, time periods, and methods of traditional artisans, and incorporates natural, found, and recycled materials in her work whenever possible.

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