Event Details

Create beautiful hand made paper with Darian Lajoie Paquette

  • Sunday, September 01, 2024
  • Sunday, September 08, 2024
  • 2 sessions
  • Sunday, September 01, 2024, 10:00 AM 12:00 PM (EDT)
  • Sunday, September 08, 2024, 10:00 AM 12:00 PM (EDT)
  • ACAC - 160 D Main Street, Ailsa Craig, ON.,
  • 0


  • Must be a member in good standing at the ACAC
  • Why not join the ACAC and receive class discounts while supporting the Arts in a small, rural centre. We'd love to have you join us!

Registration is closed

Paper making is an age old art form and we are so excited to offer this class one more time before we move onto book binding. We've run this sold out class twice and student reviews were so positive, that we decided to ask Darion back one more time.

The student will leave this class understanding: the basics of making hand-made paper from recycled papers such as printer paper, tissue paper, and other scrap papers, as well as incorporating natural elements such as flowers, petals, and leaves.

At the conclusion of the class, the student will have produced several colours and styles of hand- made paper which will be bound into a small book.

Please  note this is a two part class that is required to allow the paper time to dry.

There is a $10 material fee that is paid to the teacher in cash on the first day of class.

Students do not need to bring any supplies on day 1 of the class.

On day 2 please bring a needle and some heavier thread.

Darian Lajoie is an artist from London, Ontario with a very diverse background in artistic pursuits.  She works in natural fibres including wool, silk, cotton, and linen in both wet and needle felted sculptures, basketry, and framed pieces.  She also does calligraphy and illumination, paper-making, and hand-made books. She exibits in several galleries across Ontario and has sold to collectors across Canada and the U.S.  She takes her inspiration from historical artifacts, time periods, and methods of traditional artisans, and incorporates natural, found, and recycled materials in her work whenever possible. The ACAC is delighted to welcome Darian to our village.

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