Event Details

Lovely Coiled Baskets with Wilma Kirmse

  • Saturday, March 23, 2024
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • ACAC 160 D Main Street, Ailsa Craig, ON., N0M 1A0
  • 0


Registration is closed

The ACAC is delighted to welcome back fibre artist and committee member; Wilma Kirmse to teach the delightful art of creating small coiled baskets.

In this compact, one afternoon class, Wilma will teach students how to create these charming and practical little baskets. They are ideal for holding lots of small items in the sewing room, nursery or throughout the house and, make wonderful, thoughtful gifts.  Embellish your basket however you like and you have created a small work of art while using up the stash!

We will start with a small basket so you can learn the process, but will also talk about different ways to make baskets that will allow you to make larger ones as well. You will choose the material to make your basket and create the shape and style of your choice. 

Cotton roping and wire will be used for this project and will be provided in a $6.00 kit which will be paid to the instructor on the day of the class. 

Students are asked to bring to class:  

- material for covering the rope/wire:  Cotton fabric strips, ribbon, sari silk strips, or yarn (bulky) are all options. You will need at least 20m of ribbon(should be at least 1/2 inch wide) or sari silk strips, a fat quarter of fabric cut in 3/4 inch strips, or a ball of yarn. A variety of these items will be available to purchase for a minimal fee if you would prefer (cottons, yarn, possibly sari silk if I can get more!)

- strong heavyweight perle cotton or crochet cotton (either to match material, or to contrast - depending on which you prefer)   

- sharp needle with large hole

- 1/2 inch bulldog/binder clips if you have them (some will be available)

- scissors

- small jewelry pliers if you have them (don't buy them, we can share!)

The outcome of this class: Students will have constructed a small basket and learned the process of how to create coiled baskets.


Members:  $35.00       Non Members: $45.00

Students will also pay the teacher a $6.00 kit fee on the day of the class.

(Note: One adult membership at the ACAC is $40.00, a Sr. Membership is $35.00 and a Family Membership is $55.00). Why not join and support a small, rural arts program and community? We'd love to have you join us!)

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