Event Details

Punch Needle Christmas Ornament with Tammy Sparling

  • Saturday, November 18, 2023
  • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • 5


  • This includes a $61.00 fee for the Punch Needle tool and Hoop.
  • This includes a $61 fee for the purchase of the punch needle tool and hoop

Registration is closed

The Ailsa Craig Arts Centre is delighted to welcome back Tammy Sparling to teach a mini punch needle Christmas ornament class. Mini punch needle is a delightful hobby that is easy to transport and that allows for the creation of detailed designs using a myriad of DMC embroidery floss colours or pearl cottons.

Tammy will have kits on hand should someone wish to purchase a commercial pattern. She will begin the lesson demonstrating how to create and transfer your own punch needle design to the weavers cloth which acts as the background for the punch needle rug hooking.

Mini Punch needle requires two unique tools; a mini punch needle and a 7" Locking, No-Slip Hoop (this is not a standard embroidery hoop).  Once these supplies are on hand, you can create many beautiful projects with Tammy's clear and encouraging instruction.


The No-Slip Hoop and the Punch Needle comprise "the kit". The KIT sells for $61.00 ($40 for the Punch Needle and $21 for the Hoop)

Students are to bring:

An assortment of DMC embroidery cottons or pearl cottons

Small embroidery scissors

An idea or sketch for their ornament (or they can purchase a commercial pattern from Tammy for an extra fee)


Note sandwiches and drinks may be purchased at the Cloverleaf Grocery store across the street.

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