Event Details

Shibori and Indigo Dyeing with Diny Warren (2 classes)

  • Saturday, August 13, 2022
  • Saturday, August 20, 2022
  • 2 sessions
  • Saturday, August 13, 2022, 10:00 AM 3:00 PM (EDT)
  • Saturday, August 20, 2022, 10:00 AM 3:00 PM (EDT)
  • Ailsa Craig Arts Centre
  • 0


  • In good standing of the ACAC
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What is Shibori?

The word Shibori comes from the Japanese verb Shiboru which means to wring, squeeze or press. The fabric is compressed to block the dye from entering the fibres. This process can be achieved in many different ways. Folds and pleats can`be placed randomly for a chance effect by scrunching, twisting or they can be arranged in a controlled way by folding, wrapping and binding.

Then there is the stitched Shibori where rows of small stitches can follow a draw line, follow a specific shape. Pulling up the threads of hand sewn rows of small stitches create tiny folds.

Several techniques will be shown and applied on the first Saturday, August 13th, 2022.

The most traditional and most common technique for dyeing Shibori is Indigo dyeing, which is what we will be doing. Other dye methods can be used.


Saturday August 20th we will be using an Indigo Vat.

You will be shown how to start the vat.  You will see how this all natural dye  comes alive and, you will watch the magic happen when you dip  and carefully retrieve your pieces from the Indigo liquid.

Watch the colour change in front of your eyes. A sense of mystery and expectation always prevails no matter how well you prepare your folding, clamping or stitching.

We will be using cotton material in this workshop.

At the conclusion of the two days you will have created an Indigo dyed Cotton scarf 22”x 82” and some unique pieces of material for you to use in future projects.  You will have gained the knowledge to apply these techniques to other fabrics using different dyeing techniques.

Shibori can be used on Silks, fine wools, linen, hemp.

About the artist:

Diny Warren is a passionate and gifted fibre artist whose classes continually garner high praise for their organization, enjoyment and command of the subject matter.  This is a unique opportunity to learn the rare art of indigo dyeing from a true master.

An additional Material Fee of $25 is payable to the teacher on the day of the class.

Shibori and Indigo dyeing student supply list.

Saturday August 13, 2022 for Shibori

Fine sharp point sewing needles

100% polyester thread, light coloured. Thread needs to be very strong as we will be putting lots of stress on the thread.

Small sharp scissors

Tape measure

Marking chalk or Fine Line Mark-B-Gone water soluble Ink pen

Small pieces of cotton that have been thoroughly washed and air-dried. You will have time during the week to do some stitching and folding if not enough time in class. Need to be brought to this class to see if appropriate and to know for amount of dyeing for the following Saturday.

Pen, pencil, paper for note taking.

Saturday August 20, 2022 for Indigo dyeing

All your prepared projects well identified

Wear Clothing suitable for dyeing, part of this class will be done outside, weather permitting.

Sturdy Dyeing gloves, longer is better

Plastic container/bucket large enough for your project to be able to soak.

Old towel

Plastic bag as material still might be damp.

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