Painting is a wonderful way to relax, and channel your creative brain. Students will learn paint application techniques for abstraction and tapping into your emotions as inspiration. Students will begin to develop their own style of abstract painting through exercises, videos and practice!
Rebecca Christine Pettit, who we all know as Christine.....has been specializing in painting semi abstract landscapes for over 15 years. Christine took classes at the Emily Carr School for the Arts in Vancouver and studied privately with Diana Kubichek a professor at Emily Carr.. The Arts Centre is very fortunate to have her as an instructor! Three classes, April 2, 9 and 16th, 2022 from 1-3 pm, will give students a grounding in intuitive painting, sufficient to create a complete intuitive landscape painting.
Rebecca's work has been described as; "(Her) works evoke a nostalgia for landscapes of the past, becoming studies of where we have been and how our surroundings profoundly affect our emotional memory. Both in meaning and in medium, these paintings are richly layered and visually stunning"
Former students of this class are still painting together, and selling their work through the Arts Centre and in Galleries in the area.
Cost: Members $200; Non Members $230, HST included
Register on this website and pay with a credit card. You must be registered and paid by March 18th, 2022 to be considered registered. As always, the Ailsa Craig Arts Centre reserves the right to cancel or reschedule this class based on registration levels or Covid protocals.
Student Supplies: Sketch book, variety of acrylic brushes, including a 2 inch round, pencil, small canvas, acrylic paints in a variety of colours, Gesso, easel if possible.
Student Supplies: Sketch book, variety of acrylic brushes, including a 2 inch round, pencil, small canvas, acrylic paints in a variety of colours, Gesso, easel if possible.