Event Details
It is often said that spinning is the most wonderful therapy; an opportunity to create order from the chaos of the animal's fleece. Spinning is portable and soothing. Armed with this skill, one can create unique fibres and yarns to use in knitting and weaving projects or to give as gifts. It could become a lost art but we won't let it. The Ailsa Craig Arts Centre is so fortunate to host a a Drop Spindle Clinic featuring the popular teacher, Janice Watterworth. Janice is a knitter and a sewer but her true passion is teaching spinning to others. She has completed her Handspinning Certificate from the Ontario Handspinners and Weavers Organization and has taught throughout the province to great reviews.
A drop spindle is a simple and portable spinning tool which provides unlimited yarn possibilities.
In this class, you will learn how to hand spin a single strand of yarn and how to ply it back into itself to create a 2 coloured strand. At the end of the class you will produce a skein of handspun, 2 ply yarn. This class will include an overview of different types of spindles and their suitability for different types of yarns.
Suitable for Beginners: No spinning experience required.
Supplies: Bring a drop spindle or one can be purchased from the instructor for $10
There is a $15 KIT fee payable to the teacher on the day of the class.
All students must be double vaccinated with proof of vaccination and photo ID provided.
No cancellations will be accepted or refunded 14 days before the class. Payment must be received in full, 14 days before the start of class. Cheques may be sent to AIlsa Craig Arts Centre, PO Box #312, Ailsa Craig, ON., N0M 1A0