This event is temporarily full. If spaces become available we will open registration again. Thanks so much.
The Ailsa Craig Arts Centre is very pleased to be able to offer the community the opportunity to study the practice of mediation with Peter Piasecki; a life long practitioner. We offer this session and future sessions at no cost to members and, by donation to non members in the spirit with which Peter generously shares his experience with us. People may bring mats or cushions to sit on or, they may elect to sit in a chair. Which ever is most comfortable for you. So to prepare for this first session, we ask you to register so we may anticipate numbers. Peter has requested that all are welcome so if you find you are available and haven't registered, please join us anyway.
Peter's Bio:Peter Piasecki is an enthusiastic lifelong meditator. He was introduced to Zen Buddhist Meditation in the 1970’s while living in Poland. In the 1980’s he met a Tibetan Buddhist teacher and followed these teachings for over 20 years. Peter started teaching meditation in the 1990’s in Edmonton, AB. He found the Tibetan teachings, personally, very useful but felt the methods might feel foreign to novice Western meditators. He felt an inner pull to search for methods that would be simple, non-denominational, not mixed within a cultural context and that any person would find easily accessible. After moving to Calgary, AB and opening a yoga studio he continued teaching and practicing meditation while his search for a simple direct method continued. In 2015 he attended his first 10 day silent Vipassana Retreat in Ontario. He continues to practice Vipassana meditation.
Peter compares meditation to a ‘gym for the mind’. In his classes he offers tools to work with the mind and to help the practitioner establish positive and solid meditation practice. There is no dogma or specific beliefs linked to his approach. Participants are encouraged to try the tools, evaluate their experience and choose what is useful and working for them.