Have you ever wished you could create a beautiful quilted piece but were unsure how to do it? Join Jane Walker in the Ailsa Craig Arts Centre’s Learn to Quilt class. This class will be held over 6 Tuesday evenings. The finishing class, #6 will be jointly scheduled with the class based on their progress. Class time is 7:00 - 9:30 PM
The first class will focus on becoming familiar with your machine, a demonstration of the tools, fabric, colour and discussion about the project you would like to make. You will then be required to purchase fabric for your finished project.
The objective of this class is to discover how much fun quilting is and to build confidence in your hidden abilities!!!!!

Supplies needed are outlined below:
Please bring your sewing machine in good working order and the machine's manual (if you have it) and if you have them, your rotary cutter, cutting mat and rulers.
Misc. sewing supplies - machine needles, scissors, pins (preferably long), seam ripper, thread, basic sewing notions
To complete the class a rotary cutter, mat and ruler is required. If you have them, bring them along, if not we will discuss them at the first class. Some rotary cutters, mats and rulers will be available, but if you have them please bring with you.
DATE: Tuesdays January 15, 22, 29, February 5, 12 + one finishing session tbd
TIME: 7:00 – 9:30 P.M.
WHERE: Ailsa Craig Arts Centre (Ye Olde Town Hall) 160 D Main Street, Ailsa Craig
COST: Members - $70.00
Non Members - $80.00
CLASS SIZE: 5 students
Contact: Jane Walker - gawalker@sympatico.ca or at: www.ailsacraigartscentre.ca and you can register and pay on line OR just register and pay at first class.
Private message the AIlsa Craig Arts Centre via facebook
Jane Walker's Bio: Jane has been stitching since childhood and has always enjoyed having a needle in her hand. She has been quilting for 20 years and enjoys all the techniques that quilting offers. Her favourite is needle turn applique. She has taught both kids and adults for a number of years and is looking forward to helping others discover the fun of quilting.